Item Wise Last Sales and Purchase Price

 Item Wise Last Sales and Purchase Price

Hello Friends..
Here you can check Item Wise Last Sales and Purchase Price in Tally while Making Sales Transaction

Based on the buying and selling prices of each stock item, you may want to maintain the rates such that they automatically appear when you pass a transaction. You can do this in Tally.ERP 9 and Tappy Prime by providing the standard cost (for purchase), and standard price (for sales) for each stock item. 

You can maintain rates for the stock items on a daily basis or a specific period based on your business needs. 

When you record the purchase and sales invoices, the standard cost and standard price will appear for that stock item automatically. Also, you may want to fix the selling price of items at different rates to customers, based on the type of the customer or your preferences. 

For this, in Tally.ERP 9, you can use a price list.


By Using this Customization you can DIsplay the last Sales price and Last purchase Price in the sales T|ransaction directly as per below-provided Screenshot

In Sales : 

In Purchase :

You can avoid using Stock Query at that time so It will definitely save your time and effort.

You can simply download our customized TDL from Below Provided Link and you can configure it in Tally and then when you will try to make a new transaction you can get the information of  Item wise Last sales Price and Lat purchase price of that particular Item automatically.

This is how you can get detailed information, 

TDL Code : 

[#line:EI columnone]

add : Right Field : at beginning : LSALEPRICE, LPURCOST

Local : Field : LPURCOST : Info : Last Pur Cost

Local : Field : LSALEPRICE : Info : Last Sales Price

[#line:EI INVINFO]

Add : Right Field : At beginning : LPURCOST 

Add : Right Field : At beginning : LSALEPRICE  

[Field : LPURCOST ]

Use : Rate Field

Set : $lastpurcprice:stockitem:$stockitem

Skip : Yes

Color : Red

Style : Large Bold

Width : 13


Use : Rate Field

Set : $lastsaleprice:stockitem:$stockitem

Skip : Yes

Color : Blue

Style : Large Bold

Width : 13

;;End of the code

Please Support us by Subscribe our YouTube Channel for more Video and Free TDL


  1. Replies
    1. Item Wise Last Sales And Purchase Price >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      Item Wise Last Sales And Purchase Price >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      Item Wise Last Sales And Purchase Price >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK qh

  2. define
    Last Sale Rate particulate Party

  3. I am interested in such topics so I will address page where it is cool described. click here

  4. Tally erp9

  5. didnt find any tdl please mail me the tdl

  6. Party wise last sales Ka tdl upload kare sir

  7. Partywise last sales and purchase par tdl banaiye na sir

  8. not working its not showing anything in rate plz send new


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