Edit Log in TallyPrime – All You Need to Know

Edit Log in TallyPrime – All You Need to Know

Edit Log in TallyPrime allows you to keep a trail of each activity performed in transactions and masters to help you have a better internal control over your Company data. Irrespective of the nature of changes made in the data – financial, functional, or internal, the Edit Log feature keeps a trail of the activities in Company data.

Edit Log enables: 

  • Regular monitoring of the actions such as creation, alteration, and deletion in transactions and masters in your Company data.
  • Simplicity in auditing your account books.
  • A practice of making well-informed decisions in terms of working with Company data.
The Edit Log feature is introduced in TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 and TallyPrime Release 2.1.

Tally products with Edit Log

With Release 2.1, we are giving you the flexibility to choose between the following products:

  • TallyPrime Edit Log: If your business needs to track all activities for a better internal control, or statutory requirements such as Audit Trail, mandated by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), India, then you will need this product. Edit Log cannot be disabled in this product.
  • TallyPrime: If you want to maintain trails for internal audit purposes or view logs intermittently, then you can leverage the Edit Log feature in your day-to-day business operations.

By default, TallyPrime does not track activities in your transactions and masters. You can enable or disable Edit Log, when needed.

TallyPrime Edit Log and TallyPrime have the same set of features to run your business, including Edit Log. However, only TallyPrime Edit Log meets the Audit Trail compliance requirements.

If you want to continue using TallyPrime, then you can upgrade to the latest release. To know how to do it, refer to Update a TallyPrime Release.

If you want to use TallyPrime Edit Log, then you can upgrade your existing TallyPrime or Tally.ERP 9 application. Alternatively, you can install TallyPrime Edit Log in a separate folder.

You can use TallyPrime Edit Log with either your existing TallyPrime license or a new license.

You can download TallyPrime Edit Log from the Tally Solutions website. To know how to install TallyPrime Edit Log, refer to Install TallyPrime Edit Log.

If you are a new user, activate your license after installing TallyPrime. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of TallyPrime, your TallyPrime Edit Log will start in licensed mode. To know more, refer to License Activation | Reactivation | Surrender | Update.

If you are using TallyPrime or Tally.ERP 9, then you will need to migrate data to TallyPrime Edit Log. To know more, refer to Migrate Data to TallyPrime Edit Log.


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